When it comes to my art, I probably have enough ideas to last a lifetime. This week has been great for giving me time to plan, refocus and potter around my studio - I've cleaned and tidied my desk (which was no mean feat!), finished a couple of orders, and started to pull together some bits and pieces for my next piece. I've also organised to frame this work my youngest daughter did at school recently:
I love it, and the fact that she designed the whole thing herself is pretty impressive I think. Once it's framed, I'll hang it in my studio, alongside some other masterpieces by my older two.
Right, now that I've spent most of this post bragging, I'll show you a few of the things I'll be using in some of my own works. I'm always on the lookout for really diverse bits and pieces, and my plan is to incorporate them into some mixed-media works that will soon be for sale.
Japanese paper, wood blocks, hand-made parchment, jute twine...mmm
I'm really keen to get started, so I'll catch you all soon!